Lily Coffin - Ricketts House
Mechanical Engineering
Farmingdale, NY
Lily is in a band where she plays the electric guitar and the trumpet! Outside of the studio, Lily studies Mechanical Engineering, focusing more so on space exploration, astrobiology, and plentary science. Inside her dorm, she lives with Sweet Pea, who she claims is the "world's most adorable cat." Currently, Lily leads the NASA BIG Idea Challenge team for 2024, who have proposed an inflatable berm structure for dust mitigation for NASA's Artemis missions. In 2021, Lily SURFed with Professor Geoffrey Blake. Throughout undergrad, she has also spent time in the Bucholz lab, the Sessions lab, and the Falson lab. "Caltech is like a candy store for nerds," says Lily. "There is a ton of incredible research going on and as a Caltech undergrad, all it takes is an email to get involved."